Sunday, 31 August 2014

Fundraising and Bronze Pass winner...

Hello Friends!
Been working hard on the scores. Can't believe rehearsals begin in 10 days. It's almost here!
Thanks so much to all of you for your generosity and support of this project. The IndieGogo crowd funding campaign raised $7820.
I'm still getting emails and requests to donate from people - thanks so much! If you missed the crowd funding campaign, but you'd still like to contribute towards Requiem for Fourteen Roses, you can make a cheque payable to Elise Letourneau, put "Requiem" in the memo, and mail it or drop it off to my attention at Alcorn Music Studios, 953 Gladstone Avenue, Ottawa ON, K1Y 3E5. I'd need to receive it by October 31 to be sure you are included in the concert programme as a supporter.
And congratulations to Nathan Corr, whose name was drawn for the 2 Bronze passes for the 2015 TD Ottawa Jazz Festival!